For a while now, I’ve been tinkering around with AI supported development. Actually - I think I’ve been leaning a bit hard on it. It’s not that I don’t like it - I do. It’s just that I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected from the code I’ve been writing. It’s not fun anymore. And that’s a real problem for me.
The switch
I prepared myself for some struggles. I set up my VSCode to align me towards vim a bit - using motions and commands more and more. But at some point I just had to actually make the switch.
the first few days were not productive
I’m a freelance dev, and one thing I feel is of high importance to me as a freelancer is productivity. I have a responsibility towards my clients to make sure they pay for well spent time. That sometimes means saying no to random meetings, pushing back on things that doesn’t make sense and maybe first and foremost - it means that my focus time should be productive. And let me tell you, the first few days were not productive in the same way. But there was something magical there..
The magic
I noticed that all these small things started to add up. Using motions, having my hands be my full workflow. It just made sense. It made me feel connected to the code again. I was no longer just writing code - I was crafting it. And that’s a feeling I haven’t had in a long time.
I started scaling back all my tooling. Relying on myself once again. No more asking GPT to adjust things for me - just me and my thoughts.
I think I’ve found a new love for programming. And it’s all thanks to vim.